Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Entertainment Lifestyle: Senator Vicente Tito Sotto III Finally Says Sorry To Kennedy Family Over Plag...

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Senator Vicente Tito Sotto III Finally Says Sorry To Kennedy Family Over Plagiarism Issue
MANILA, Philippines - Filipino senator and actor-TV host Vicente "Tito" Sotto III finally apologize to the Kennedy family in his speech at the Philippine Senate today.

Yesterday, the Senator made a firm stand not to apologize to the Kennedy family as he believed that the alleged demand letter of Robert F. Kennedy's daughter Kerry Kennedy (President, RFK Center for Justice and Human Rights) might be the works of "professional Internet manipulator" only.

But less than 48 hours since the Philippine Senator's alleged "not arrogant statement" (as empasized by Senator Juan Ponce Enrile), Vicente "Tito" Sotto III changed his mind and apologize to the Kennedy family through his speech today, November 13:

"Copying, imitation, is the highest form of flattery. If it upsets the Kennedy family, then I am sorry, but then that's not my intention."

Despite the apology made by the Philippine Senator, another group composed of 37 complainants including bloggers, university professors and members of a "free thinking" group, filed a 16-page complaint against the Majority Floor Leader Vicente "Tito" Sotto III.

Senator Vicente "Tito" Sotto III welcomed the ethics complaints against him stating that he has now the chance to explain his side:

"I welcome the ethics complaint against me so I can give a chance to explain my side, at the outset, what is apparent to me is that all this brouhaha grew out of my strong consistent stand against the RH (Reproductive Health) bill, and if such continued attack against me are part of the consequence of my advocacy, then so be it!"

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