Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Entertainment Lifestyle: Precious Lara Quigaman & Marco Alcaraz Welcome Baby Noah Lamar

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Precious Lara Quigaman & Marco Alcaraz Welcome Baby Noah Lamar
MANILA, Philippines - 2005 Miss International winner and Filipina actress Precious Lara Quigaman with husband Marco Alcaraz welcome their first baby boy named Noah Lamar.

New mom Precious Lara gave birth yesterday, November 10 at 12:52 AM through a caesarian section in the Asian Hospital after 10 hours of labor.

Her husband, Filipino actor-model and now a new dad Marco Alcaraz witnessed the delivery of their first born son who weighted 7.14 lbs. and 52 cm in length.

Baby Noah Lamar scored a 9 over 9 in his Apgar thus declaring him a very healthy baby boy. Congratulations Precious and Marco!

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